BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Geriatric population is considerably increasing. However, musculoskeletal disorders, especially chronic low back pain, which is one of the most common complaints during outpatient assistance, seem to grow together with this phenomenon and physiotherapy may be an alternative to treat such pathology. This study aimed at reviewing in the literature information about physiotherapeutic management for chronic low back pain in the elderly. CONTENTS: Twenty-six articles were selected by means of a query with research keywords in electronic databases Scielo and Pubmed, published in Portuguese and English, using the keywords low back pain (dor lombar), chronic pain (dor crônica), physical therapy specialty (fisioterapia) and aged (idoso), and published between 2006 and 2015. CONCLUSION: Different physiotherapeutic techniques and resources are effective to manage the impact of low back pain in the elderly, such as kinesiotherapy (especially by means of stabilizing exercises), electrotherapy, hydrotherapy and individual education management. Keywords: Chronic pain, Elderly, Low back pain, Physiotherapy.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS:A população geriátrica vem crescendo consideravelmente nos últimos tempos. Contudo, os distúrbios osteomioarticulares, especialmente a dor lombar crônica, que é uma das queixas mais comuns nos atendimentos ambulatoriais, parecem crescer juntamente com esse fenômeno e a fisioterapia pode servir como alternativa no tratamento dessa doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar na literatura informações a respeito do tratamento fisioterapêutico no impacto da dor lombar crônica em idosos.
Physiotherapeutic intervention on chronic lumbar pain impact in the elderly
Intervenção fisioterapêutica no impacto da dor lombar crônica em idosos