The rapid development of Internet of Things services and the rapid growth of new broadband services have promoted the ever-increasing computing demands of mobile devices. As an emerging mobile computing technology, mobile edge computing is an important key technology to improve computing services for mobile devices. Mobile edge computing technology provides an important way for users to provide computing services with low latency and high computing performance. At the same time, it also provides technical means to develop online education. Online education called E-learning is an education model that uses the Internet as a medium. Through the Internet, students can conduct educational activities thousands of miles away from the teacher. In addition, students can learn at any time by referring to and downloading network code resources, thereby breaking the space and time constraints. The development of informatization of university education is an important part of the development of informatization, and it is the adaptation and combination of the application of information technology in the education field. At present, the informatization of universities at home and abroad has ushered in the era of digital campus construction, and most of its focus is on the reorganization of functional departments and the integration of independent systems. By analyzing the needs of data sharing and exchange, this article plans to use existing mature technologies, such as data warehouse, data synchronization update, and data security, based on DataX to design the data sharing and exchange plan of the public data platform, including data standards, coding standards are designed to achieve uniform rules, formats, and codes to build an online political education platform.