Over the past few years, molecular switches have been heavily researched in the quest for molecular electronic devices. Some switching systems operate by a conformational change in the molecule which is induced by either an electric field, [1,2] an STM (scanning tunneling microscope) tip, [3] an electrochemical reaction, [4] or light. [5] Alternatively, molecular switches can be operated nonconformationally by redox reactions [6] or a chemical binding event. [7] Biomolecules have recently been adapted for new purposes; for example, DNA has been used as part of a conducting wire, [8] a molecular machine, [9][10][11][12] a crystal template, [13] a scaffold for nanoscale construction, [14] and even as a component of a "computing machine". [15,16] Herein we show that the fluorescence of individual dye-labeled DNA molecules can be reversibly switched from green to red and vice versa upon application of an electric field.The use of nucleic acids as molecular switches is a relatively new concept and, so far, has had limited success. The use of an electric field to modulate the fluorescence of labeled DNA adsorbed onto an electrode [17] and the use of a magnetic field to control the hybridization state of DNA [18] are known. Conformational switching of DNA by the variation of buffer conditions, [11,19] the binding of adenosine to an aptamer sequence on DNA, [20] or the binding of singlestranded DNA (ssDNA) to a DNA quadruplex [9] have also recently been reported. The main limitation with the current mechanisms for DNA conformational switches is that they require bimolecular hybridization or a change of buffer, thus switching is slow. Furthermore, in some cases switching is not reversible [20] or the process creates undesirable "waste" DNA. [9,10] Our DNA switch overcomes these problems by using an electric field to alter the DNA-dye interaction which renders the switching process rapid (< 100 ms) and reversible with no by-products.Here a controllable electric field and single-molecule fluorescence detection were used to probe the switching of the fluorescent states of individual DNA molecules that were labeled with two different fluorophores at the same end of the DNA duplex. We previously utilized the very high electricfield gradients generated at the tip of a nanopipette to controllably concentrate and deliver DNA. [21][22][23] The pipettes have an inner diameter of 100 nm and the voltage drop occurs in the last few microns of the tip owing to its tapered shape. By application of a potential of 1 V between the electrode in the bath and the electrode in the pipette, a very high electric field of % 8000 V cm À1 is generated at the tip of the pipette.[22]The fluorescence of both fluorophores was detected simultaneously with either two-color direct excitation of both fluorophores or single-color excitation of the donor fluorophore only. In the latter experiments, the excited-state energy is transferred nonradiatively from a donor to an acceptor fluorophore by FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer). The efficiency of...