State 3 in Vocational High School 3 in Batam has a Vision: to create a character, quality and professional students to produce graduates with entrepreneurial and competitive spirits in the era of globalization. The missions are: 1) Applying the value of national character in every activity in the School, conducting teaching and learning through competency-based training, 2) Implementing student-centered learning, 3) Improving collaboration with parties Business and Industrial World field to improve teacher and student competencies as well as graduates' absorption, 4) Establishing entrepreneurial spirit through production and service units, 5) Instilling quality and professional work culture for school progress, 6) Creating and maintain environment clean, healthy, beautiful, safe and comfortable school, 7) Completing the supporting facilities of the teaching and learning process so that the creation of a quality learning process that links and matches according to the needs of the business and the industry. Based on the Vision and Mission of State Vocational High School 3 in Batam, where State Vocational School 3 in Batam is one of the middle-level education units that process students to compete in the workforce, market demands and changes that occur due to the development of science and technology can be fulfilled. Therefore, State Vocational High School 3 in Batam implements the Industrial Internship Program. The results of data analysis indicate that the implementation of the Industrial Internship Program of state Vocational High School 3 in Batam in general has gone well, but there are still some parts that need to be improved. This can be seen from the data obtained by the researcher. The data is certainly related to the program evaluation section. Provides an explanation of the UCLA-CSE model into four stages, namely: 1) Assessment Needs, focusing on determining the issues that need to be considered in the program, program requirements and program objectives, 2) Program Planning, planning the evaluation program is to find out whether the program is compiled according to the needs analysis or not by involving elements of program implementation, 3) Formative Evaluation, evaluation is done to find out the program's implementation, 4) Summative Program, evaluation is to find out the results and impacts of the program and to find out the program's achievements.