UNANOVA: An unweighted-means analysis of variance program for the TI-S9 programmable calculator A recent article demonstrated that the usefulness of the Texas Instruments (TI) advanced programmable calculators is not restricted to data analysis, but rather, it extends to data acquisition and control of experimental events (Robinson, 1979). Despite the flexibility and power of these calculators, and although a variety of statistical programs are available via the TI solid state program modules, the flexibility of software to perform analysis of variance (ANOVA) is severely limited. The program described here permits the calculator to be used to conduct an ANOVA on completely randomized factorial designs, with equal or unequal group sizes. The program was written for the TI 59 calculator, and it will print the results.' Program Description. The program performs an unweighted-means analysis of variance (UNANOVA) on any completely randomized single-or multiplefactor design (nonhierarchical). The number of crossed variables is limited in the maximum number of groups that may be entered. Specifically, this maximum is defined by the equation, NOTE KEPPEL, G. Design and analysis: A researcher's handbook.