A soil isolate, 4B, which had been previously assigned to the genus Pseudomonas and shown to be capable of reducing C2H2 with simple phenolic compounds as sole carbon source, was further characterized in comparison with two other diazotrophs which were identified as pseudomonads. The DNA base composition of 4B was 60.2 mol% G + C. Plasmid DNA was not detected in Y.-K. C H A N A N D OTHERS
Bacterial strains, plasmids and DNA.Strain 4B, which has been tentatively assigned to the genus Pseudomonas, was originally isolated from a forest soil (Chan, 1986) and was recently deposited in the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 43038). P. delafieldii (ATCC 17505) and P . putida (ATCC 33015) were obtained from the ATCC. Pseudomonas strain H8 (ATCC 35402) was a gift from W. ). Pseudomonas strain DC, originally isolated from the roots of the grass Deschampsia caespitosa (Haahtela et al., 1983), was kindly sent to us by K. Haahtela (University of Helsinki, Finland). Klebsiella pneumoniae M5A1 was obtained from V. N. Iyer, (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada); Escherichia coli 553 (proA metF A) carrying plasmid RP4 (AprKmr NmrTcr) was from the Plasmid Referencecenter, Stanford University, USA ; E. coli B was from the Department of Microbiology, University of Manitoba, Canada; and E. coli HBlOl(pSA30) was from D. R. Helinski, (University of California, USA).Reference DNAs of Clostridiumperfringens, E. coli B and Micrococcus lysodeikticus were purchased from Sigma.Culture media. The maintenance agar used for the diazotrophic species consisted of 0.1 % (w/v) Difco tryptic soy broth solidified with 1.6% (w/v) Difco Bacto-agar; P. delafieldii was maintained on nutrient agar. Tests for autotrophic growth with Hz, O2 and C 0 2 were done in the defined medium described by De Bont & Leijten (1976).