In this paper, we demonstrate the interferometric generation of high-energy pulsed
vector vortex beams at arbitrary points on the higher-order Poincaré
sphere. Scalar vortex beams with topological charges ℓ=1 and ℓ=2 were produced using fused silica
spiral phase plates and a 1064 nm wavelength Gaussian laser
source, delivering a pulse energy of 2.75 mJ at a frequency of
1 kHz with a pulse duration of 15.5 ns. A novel, to our
knowledge, modified Mach–Zehnder interferometer was constructed to
allow for arbitrary inter-modal phase and amplitude control of the
vector vortex states across the surface of the Poincaré sphere,
achieving pulse energies of 2.5 mJ and peak powers exceeding
160 kW. This marks the highest, to the best of our knowledge,
pulse energy achieved for arbitrary higher-order vector vortex beams
on the HOPS.