Free space propagation or Fresnel diffraction is an effective method to sense the phase modulation of hard X-ray beams. We use the variation with propagation distance d ofthe diffraction pattern both to study periodic objects and to handle the inverse problem, i.e. to extract information on the phase and amplitude of the transmitted wave from the intensity distribution in the defocused images. The 'Talbot effect', a special manifestation of Fresnel diffraction, implies that the intensity distribution of coherent light transmitted through a periodic object is periodic both in the direction of the object periodicity (period a) and in the propagation direction @eriod 2a2/A ) being the wavelength). We have performed a first investigation ofthe Talbot effect for hard X-rays (O.7A) on two phase gratings.Apart from a lateral shift of a12, identical intensity distributions are ideally expected in two recording planes a distance a2IA apart. Actually, a decrease ofcontrast occurs as a result ofthe partial coherence ofthe incident beam, providing a measure of the degree of coherence. Focus variation, as applied in transmission electron microscopy, consists in recording at different d a series of images which are combined through a suitable algorithm to reconstruct the wave function. The algorithm is briefly presented and is used to reconstruct the phase modulation introduced by a polymer fiber from the experimental data.