The scalar filtered mass density function model is further extended and employed for large-eddy simulations of high-speed turbulent mixing and reacting flows. The model is implemented through a hybrid mathematical/ computational methodology. In this methodology, the filtered compressible Navier-Stokes equations in a curvilinear coordinate system are solved with a generalized, high-order, multiblock, finite difference scheme for the turbulent velocity and pressure. However, the scalar mixing and combustion are computed with the compressible scalar filtered mass density function. The pressure effect in the energy equation, as needed in high-speed flows, is included in the filtered mass density function formulation. The new compressible large-eddy simulation/filtered mass density function model is used for the simulations of flows in a rapid compression machine, in a shock tube and in a supersonic coaxial jet. The numerical results indicate that the model is able to correctly capture the scalar mixing in compressible subsonic and supersonic turbulent flows.