We have constructed a new Brillouin light scattering apparatus, based on the Sandercock multipass tandem interferometer design, for space and time resolved investigations of nonlinear wave packets in thin films. We have applied the method to studies of nonlinear spin wave pulse propagation in yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films. Spatial resolution is achieved by scanning the laser spot across the YIG film surface, and temporal resolution is obtained by measuring the elapsed time between the launch of spin wave pulses by an applied microwave pulse and the arrival of the respective inelastically scattered photons at the detector. We report the observation of nonlinear self-focusing of wave beams and pulses in one and two dimensions, the formation of one-dimensional envelope solitons, and of strongly localized, two-dimensional wave packets, "spin wave bullets", analogous to "light bullets" predicted in nonlinear optics. By generating two counterpropagating wave pulses, pulse collision experiments were performed. We show that quasi-one-dimensional envelope solitons formed in narrow film stripes ("waveguides") retain their shapes after collision, while twodimensional spin wave packets formed in wide YIG films are destroyed in collision.
IntroductionBrillouin light scattering (BLS) has developed to a very versatile tool to investigate thermally driven excitations, like phonons and spin waves, on surfaces and in films in the wavevector regime 0-10 5 cm -1 [1]. Light is inelastically scattered from these excitations, and by the determination of the frequency shift of the Doppler shifted light for a preset transferred wavevector, determined by the scattering geometry, the dispersion relation of the excitation is obtained.Of particular advantage of BLS are its high sensitivity, high spatial resolution determined by the diameter of the light focus on the sample surface (≈40 µm), high frequency resolution in the sub-GHz regime, high contrast and moderate costs of equipment. For surface and thin-film excitations, in particular in opaque materials, the tandem Fabry-Perot interferometer designed by Sandercock is now widely used as a fairly standard solution [2,3,4,5,6]. Here we report the extension of a tandem interferometer towards spatial and temporal resolution, enabling the investigation of the details of the propagation of travelling pulses of excitation. The method opens new fields of investigations. First, nonlinear excitations, like, e.g., microwave driven spin waves with large precession amplitudes in a magnetic film, can be monitored as they propagate through the film [7,8,9,10]. Pulses of surface phonons can be studied as well, although this is not subject of this manuscript. We are able to study the formation of spin waves in the vicinity of the exciting antenna, to determine the decay properties, reflection of spin waves at film boundaries, and the formation of waveguide patterns in laterally confined films. If the microwave field is large in amplitude, the excited spin waves are nonlinear, and nonlinear effects like,...