A retrogression and re-ageing (RRA) treatment is a three-step heat treatment that can improve both the mechanical strength and the corrosion resistance in aluminum alloys. In this work, the mechanical and stress corrosion properties under various ageing treatment conditions were investigated in an Al-8.5Zn-2.1Mg-2Cu-0.2Ag (w/%) alloy. The treatments were the T6 conventional method followed by a retrogression and re-ageing (RRA) treatment. Tensile test, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate the mechanical and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) properties. The results showed that both, the strength and the corrosion resistance criteria (SCR), which is defined as the ratio between the remaining strength percent in stressed and un-stressed conditions, improve after the RRA treatment. The tensile strength and SCR criteria for the T6 heat treatment were 547 MPa and 71 % initially and then increased to 612 MPa and 95 % for the RRA treatment, respectively. Moreover, the EDS results showed that in grain-boundary precipitates the Cu concentration is much higher for the RRA in comparison with the T6 treatment, but it is lower for the matrix precipitates in the RRA treatment. Keywords: aluminium alloys, stress corrosion resistance, precipitation, retrogression and re-ageing Obdelava z retrogresijo in ponovno o`ivitvijo (angl. RRA) je tristopenjska toplotna obdelava, s katero lahko izbolj{amo tako mehansko trdnost kot odpornosti proti koroziji pri aluminijevih zlitinah. V pri~ujo~em delu so bile raziskovane mehanske lastnosti in lastnosti odpornosti proti koroziji pri zlitini Al-8.5Zn-2.1Mg-2Cu-0.2Ag (w/%) pod razli~nimi pogoji obdelave staranja. Izvedeni so bili testi po konvencionalni T6 metodi, z upo{tevanjem RRA obdelave. Natezni preiskus, vrsti~na elektronska mikroskopija (SEM), energijsko disperzijska rentgenska spektroskopija (EDS) in DSC-testiranja so bili izvedeni, da bi raziskali mehanske in napetostno-korozijske lomne lastnosti (angl. SCC). Rezultati so pokazali, da se oba kriterija tako trdnost kot odpornost proti koroziji, ki definirata razmerje med procentom zaostale trdnosti pri napetostnih in nenapetostnih pogojih, po RRA-obdelavi izbolj{ata. Klju~ne besede: aluminijeve zlitine, odpornost proti koroziji, oborine, retrogresija in ponovno staranje