This paper explores a range of high-performance equilibrium scenarios achievable with neutral beam heating in the NSTX-Upgrade device (Menard J.E. 2012 Nucl. Fusion 52 083015). NSTX-Upgrade is a substantial upgrade to the existing NSTX device (Ono M. et al 2000 Nucl. Fusion 40 557), with significantly higher toroidal field and solenoid capabilities, and three additional neutral beam sources with significantly larger current-drive efficiency. Equilibria are computed with free-boundary TRANSP, allowing a self-consistent calculation of the non-inductive current-drive sources, the plasma equilibrium and poloidal-field coil currents, using the realistic device geometry. The thermal profiles are taken from a variety of existing NSTX discharges, and different assumptions for the thermal confinement scalings are utilized. The no-wall and ideal-wall n = 1 stability limits are computed with the DCON code. The central and minimum safety factors are quite sensitive to many parameters: they generally increase with large outer plasma-wall gaps and higher density, but can have either trend with the confinement enhancement factor. In scenarios with strong central beam current drive, the inclusion of non-classical fast-ion diffusion raises qmin, decreases the pressure peaking, and generally improves the global stability, at the expense of a reduction in the non-inductive current-drive fraction; cases with less beam current drive are largely insensitive to additional fast-ion diffusion. The non-inductive current level is quite sensitive to the underlying confinement and profile assumptions. For instance, for BT = 1.0 T and Pinj = 12.6 MW, the non-inductive current level varies from 875 kA with ITER-98y,2 thermal confinement scaling and narrow thermal profiles to 1325 kA for an ST specific scaling expression and broad profiles. Scenarios are presented which can be sustained for 8–10 s, or (20–30) τCR, at βN = 3.8–4.5. The value of qmin can be controlled at either fixed non-inductive fraction of 100% or fixed plasma current, by varying which beam sources are used, opening the possibility for feedback control of the current profile. In terms of quantities like collisionality, neutron emission, non-inductive fraction, or stored energy, these scenarios represent a significant performance extension compared with NSTX and other present spherical torii.