Sperandio PA, Oliveira MF, Rodrigues MK, Berton DC, Treptow E, Nery LE, Almeida DR, Neder JA. Sildenafil improves microvascular O 2 delivery-to-utilization matching and accelerates exercise O 2 uptake kinetics in chronic heart failure. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 303: H1474 -H1480, 2012. First published September 28, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00435.2012 can temporally and spatially match microvascular oxygen (O 2) delivery (Q O2mv) to O2 uptake (V O2) in the skeletal muscle, a crucial adjustment-to-exercise tolerance that is impaired in chronic heart failure (CHF). To investigate the effects of NO bioavailability induced by sildenafil intake on muscle Q O2mv-to-O2 utilization matching and V O2 kinetics, 10 males with CHF (ejection fraction ϭ 27 Ϯ 6%) undertook constant work-rate exercise (70 -80% peak). Breath-bybreath V O2, fractional O2 extraction in the vastus lateralis {ϳdeoxy-genated hemoglobin ϩ myoglobin ([deoxy-Hb ϩ Mb]) by nearinfrared spectroscopy}, and cardiac output (CO) were evaluated after sildenafil (50 mg) or placebo. Sildenafil increased exercise tolerance compared with placebo by ϳ20%, an effect that was related to faster onand off-exercise V O2 kinetics (P Ͻ 0.05). Active treatment, however, failed to accelerate CO dynamics (P Ͼ 0.05). On-exercise [deoxy-Hb ϩ Mb] kinetics were slowed by sildenafil (ϳ25%), and a subsequent response "overshoot" (n ϭ 8) was significantly lessened or even abolished. In contrast, [deoxy-Hb ϩ Mb] recovery was faster with sildenafil (ϳ15%). Improvements in muscle oxygenation with sildenafil were related to faster on-exercise V O2 kinetics, blunted oscillations in ventilation (n ϭ 9), and greater exercise capacity (P Ͻ 0.05). Sildenafil intake enhanced intramuscular Q O2mv-to-V O2 matching with beneficial effects on V O2 kinetics and exercise tolerance in CHF. The lack of effect on CO suggests that improvement in blood flow to and within skeletal muscles underlies these effects.sildenafil; blood flow; heart failure; hemodynamics; near-infrared spectroscopy; oxygen consumption; kinetics THE INABILITY TO MAINTAIN an adequate driving pressure for blood-myocite oxygen (O 2 ) diffusion [i.e., microvascular partial pressure of O 2 (PO 2mv )] is paramount to explain the slowness of exercise O 2 uptake (V O 2 ) kinetics in patients with chronic heart failure [CHF; as recently reviewed by Poole and colleagues (34)]. To keep a sufficiently high PO 2mv , however, O 2 delivery should be spatially and temporally matched to V O 2 of individual fibers. In this context, seminal studies found that intramuscular PO 2mv in rodents with CHF was critically low either at rest-to-contractions transition (7,14) or during early recovery (12), i.e., when V O 2 should be increasing or decreasing most rapidly, respectively. Importantly, it was demonstrated that reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability exerted a key mechanistic role on on-and off-exercise O 2 delivery-toutilization uncoupling in these animal preparations (24,25).In intact humans with CHF, previous studies have concomitant...