The Charlevoix structure, Quebec, Canada, is generally accepted as a Paleozoic meteorite impact site. Plagioclase grains from samples in and around this structure were examined viaX-ray (oscillation) techniques to determine the maximum range of angular misorientation between crystal subdomains (mosaicism) within a given sample (qmax), and its usefulness as an index of shock metamorphism at Charlevoix. The complex morphological character of the impact crater can be divided into five concentric zones, which exhibit alternately high and low values of r), , , . This distribution appears to be the result of differential uplift and subsidence that followed the impact event, in that blocks which have undergone different shock histories during the impact event have been brought into juxtaposition. The wide range in r),,, within as well as between samples attests to the complex nature of the shock process and the hazards of using mosaicism as the sole index of shock metamorphism. La structure de Charlevoix, au Quebec, est generalement identifiee comme un site d'impact meteoritique datant du Paleozo'ique. Les grains de plagioclase provenant d'echantillons preleves B l'interieur et B la periphkrie de cette structure ont etC examines par techniques de rayons-X (oscillation) pour determiner l'amplitude maximum de la desorientation angulaire des sousdomaines cristallins (mosai'cisme) dans un Cchantillon donne ( r ) , , J , et pour Cvaluer son utilite comme indice du mttamorphisme de choc dans Charlevoix. On peut analyser le caractkre mqrphologique complexe du cratere d'impact en le divisant en cinq zones concentriques qui revklent alternativement des valeurs Olevees et faibles de r), , , .Cette distribution semble resulter de soulkvements et d'affaissements differentiels qui ont suivi l'impact avec pour consCquence que des blocs ayant subi des histoires de choc differentes durant l'impact ont Bte mis en juxtaposition. La variation assez grande de qmax B l'inttrieur d'un m&me Cchantillon aussi bien qu'entre les echantillons montre bien la nature complexe du processus de choc et le danger d'utiliser le mosai'cisme comme seul indice du metamorphisme de choc.
IntroductionA shock wave passing through a heterogeneous rock mass undergoes numerous modifications as it interacts with grain boundaries, fractures, foliations, and different mineral species within the rock. The resultant shock front is not a perfectly smooth curvi-planar surface, but has local variations in shock pressure. Hence, each individual mineral grain experiences its own particular shock history based upon its physical properties and its relationship to both the adjacent grains and the overall structural character of the rock. A maximum shock effect in grains of a particular mineral species in a hand specimen may thus be a means of measuring relative deformation intensities throughout an impact structure.The purpose of this study was to examine the X-ray-sensitive structural properties of plagioclase from the Charlevoix impact site, and to determine if this mineral ...