Investigating the optical properties of various chemical
using UV–vis spectrophotometers is an essential part of education
in chemistry. However, commercial spectrophotometers are usually treated
as “magic black boxes”, where the dominant majority
of optical elements are hidden “under the hood”. This
often limits understanding of the mechanisms behind the generation
of spectral curves, which in turn may impede the ability to understand
the limitations of the applied method and, in some cases, interpret
the acquired data. In addition, the study of optical emission phenomena
using fluorescence spectrophotometers is seldom implemented in educational
laboratories due to the practical challenges and costs of the devices,
which severely limit pedagogic access to this topic. For students
to be more confident with these two basic spectroscopy techniques,
we have developed a laboratory kit that provides a multifaceted learning
experience. Starting with a basic exploration of an instrument assembly,
it teaches, for example, such technical concepts as spectral resolution
and detection sensitivity. More fundamentally, it enables deeper learning
of the Beer–Lambert law and the notion of Stokes shift. The
spectrophotometer is built from cost-efficient materials and is easily
scalable, making it affordable for many educational laboratories.
Due to a modular design, it is adaptable to various levels of education
and has been successfully applied during high school-, undergraduate-,
and graduate-level classes.