Vocational education makes students individuals who have competitive abilities and skills by mastering their competencies, but what is found is that students are less able to process the information they receive well, so they only receive it passively, are unable to understand the material independently, and lack the skills to motivate themselves in the field of literacy. The article discusses how PjBL is utilized to enhance student achievement in the field of computer accounting. This study used the classroom action research approach and involved four phases: planning, carrying out the actions, observing, and reflecting on the results. This study occurred in two rounds, with each round comprising two gatherings. This research focused on a group of 32 individuals who were students in class XII, AKL 4. During the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023, a study was carried out on the topic of computer accounting at SMK Negeri 1 Solok. In this research, it was found that prior to administering the intervention, the mean score indicating participants' learning outcome was 71.85, while the completion rate stood at 48.48%. In the initial round, the mean score achieved was 80.27, and approximately 69.70% of the participants passed. During the second phase, the average student learning score rose to 85.61, and the percentage score reached 78.79. Based on the data collected, it can be inferred that the use of the PjBL approach has proven to be highly effective in enhancing students' academic performance.