This research work is devoted to the analysis of theoretical approaches and modern practices of organizing management training systems in the context of the need to implement national projects of the Russian Federation. First of all, the effectiveness of education is related to the effectiveness of the leader. Consequently, the management training system should be a driving force for the development of managerial potential. This is especially important when reforming educational systems. So, V. A. Mau, Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, believes that "reforms in the social sphere or in public administration are much more complicated than macroeconomic and stabilization" [7]. Additional adult education is the main focus of society's activities [1], and this is strengthened in the context of the implementation of national projects, where all education staff are involved in management processes. Let's analyze what professional standards in the field of project management, including for the social sphere, are in the Russian Federation. Currently, the standards in the field of project management are approved only: 1) for the field of information technology ("Project Manager in the field of information technology," approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation / November 18, 2014 No. 893n); 2) for construction ("Organizer of design production in construction", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social