Purpose: The goal is to develop means to improve the public knowledge and skills for emergencies using an innovative project approach. Methodology: use of special research methods – collecting and summarizing information, critical analysis and forecasting, sociological surveys, and statistical data processing by Excel. Results. The expediency of development and implementation of projects aimed at getting the population interested in emergencies while in public places is determined. It was found that the emergency training system does not contain a component of motivating the population to master the necessary skills. The proposed project satisfies all stakeholders. The project approach will increase the population’s interest in preparing for emergencies and help reduce the overall psychological stress. The possibility of using these projects is confirmed through theoretical and practical results obtained by opinion polls. Under martial law, the proposed project can help reduce the psychological burden and avoid panic among mall visitors оf public places. Scientific novelty: the research describes the first substantiated possibility of using a project approach to improving the system of preparation and getting the population interested in actions during emergencies in public places. Practical significance: popularizing safety measures in emergencies in public places. The proposed solutions will increase knowledge and reduce the risk of injury to people in emergencies.