Manufacturing companies operate in a business environment where incremental growth may be achieved through expansion and renewal of existing plant and facilities. Effective management of the critical success factors of such capital development projects may also provide competitive advantage. These projects tend to be of a brown-field nature, characterised by a significant level of risk arising from the interaction between the project implementation and concurrent operation of the existing physical asset base. So it is vital to understand the factors that influence the success of capital expansion and renewal projects in the brown-field context. Although each project has unique features, there are critical success factors that can be customised for successful outcomes in the brown-field environment. This study identifies five critical success factors applicable to brown-field capital expansion and renewal projects. Managerial focus on the critical factors, and the prospects for successful brown-field projects, are discussed in the paper.
OPSOMMINGVervaardigers funksioneer in 'n sakeomgewing waar voortgesette groei bereik word via uitbreiding en hernuwing van bestaande fasiliteite. Die doeltreffende bestuur van kritiese suksesfaktore van sodanige kapitaalprojekte bied geleentheid vir mededingende voordeel. Projekte van hierdie aard neig om geklassifiseer te word as van herontwikkelingsaard, met betekenisvolle gepaardgaande risiko wat voortspruit uit die interaksie tussen projekimplementering en gelyktydige bedryf van bestaande fisiese bates. Derhalwe is dit belangrik om in die konteks van herontwikkeling aandag te gee aan die kritiese faktore wat 'n rol speel in die bereiking van sukses. Die navorsing identifiseer vyf kritiese suksesfaktore van belang vir uitbreidings-en vernuwingsprojekte.