“…Experiment (estimated from experimental data) [63] 2.32 0.41 CAP/CODFT(LSD-XC)/[5s, 4p, 2d] [252] 3.39 0.506 CAP/EOM-CCSD/[5s, 7p, 3d] [222] 2.44 0.39 CAP/EOM-EA-CCSD/aug-cc-pVQZ + 3s3p3d(1st order) [217] 2.478 0.286 CAP/FSMRCC/TZ(7p2d) [246] 2.52 0.39 CAP/MRCI/aug-cc-pVTZ + 3s3p3d(C.M.) [261] 3.06 0.40 CAP/MR-CI/[5s, 3p] + [9p] + 2d [243] 2.97 0.65 CAP/SCF/[5s, 4p, 2d] [252] 3.28 0.395 CAP/static exchange/[5s, 10p, 13d] (1st order) [148] 3.776 1.199 Complex scaling/SCF/[5s, 3p] + 2d + [3p, 2d] + 4p6d [110] 3.19 0.44 Complex scaling/Second-order dilated EP/[4s, 9p] [114] 2.14 0.265 Complex scaling/Third-order biorthogonal dilated EP/[4s, 9p] [189] 2.11 0.18 Complex scaling/MRD-CI/[5s, 3p] + 1d þ 10p [209] 1.38 0.414 Complex scaling/M 1 /[4s, 9p] [176] 2.14 0.27 Complex scaling/M 1 /aug-cc-pVQZ(-f,g) + 3s8p [80] 2.136 0.320 Complex scaling/MCSTEP/aug-cc-pVQZ(-f,g) + 3s8p [80] 2.132 0.318 Many-body optical potential/[5s, 7p, 3d] [321] 2.534 0.536 Stabilization method/MRD-CI/[5s, 3p] + 3p2d þ 4s1p1d(C.M.) [113] 2.62 0.45 Stabilization method/MRCI/6-31G * þ 3p [58] 2.34 0.51 Stabilization method/MPPT(R)/[4s, 3p, 2d, 1f ] + 2s2p7d4g [160] 2.36 0.43 Stabilization method/TDDFT(HFE_PBE)/aug-cc-pVTZ + 3p [163] 3.078 0.54 Stieltjes imaging technique [322] 2.23 0.40 TCAP/MR-CI/[5s, 3p] + 7p3d2f [102] 2.42 0.45 the 1p g orbital may not be involved in the capture of the incident electron, but 2p g and 3p g orbitals may have a strong role in it.…”