A method for MR angiography using an RF labeling technique is suggested. The method utilizes a slice-selective spin-lock pulse sequence for tagging the spins of inflowing blood. The pulse sequence begins with a spatially selective 90°x RF pulse, followed by a nonselective composite locking pulse of 135°y ؊ n[360°y]-135°y and by a 90°-x pulse. A spoiler gradient is then applied. A rapid imaging stage, which yields a T 1 -weighted signal from the tagged spins, completes the sequence. Untagged spins are thoroughly dephased and consequently suppressed in the image. Thus, contrast is obtained without an injection of a contrast material or image subtraction. Furthermore, the flow of the tagged bolus can be visualized. The sequence was implemented on phantoms and on human volunteers using a 1.5T scanner. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) offers a noninvasive alternative to X-ray angiography. MRA techniques are ordinarily divided into "black blood" and "bright blood" and the latter is further subdivided into techniques which either use or do not use an exogenous contrast material. Magnetization-prepared MRA are noncontrast bright blood techniques. While enhancement by a contrast material usually offers high SNR, there are also several disadvantages, e.g., the inconvenience caused to the patient by the injection procedure, the cost of the contrast agent, and some restrictions on repeated use. Magnetization-prepared techniques, on the other hand, offer a more attractive noninterventional alternative.Several techniques for magnetization-prepared MRA have been suggested. The one most frequently used in the clinic is probably the time of flight (TOF) (1). With this technique, signal contrast is obtained by the inflow of unsaturated spins. Thus, contrast level depends on the flow rate and on the length of the blood vessel within the imaged plane. Consequently, in-plane and retrograde flow may be difficult to visualize with TOF (2) (when saturation bands are used).A flow-independent magnetization-prepared MRA has also been suggested by Brittain et al. (2). With this technique the problem noted above is avoided and slow flow regions, as well as in-plane and retrograde flow, can be depicted. However, temporal information and quantitative information on flow rate and direction are not available.Flow imaging by bolus tagging has the potential to provide information on flow rates and directions as well as on the anatomy of the studied vessels. A selective inversion recovery method was suggested by Nishimura et al. (3) in 1988. With this technique, upstream blood is tagged by an inversion excitation and then allowed to flow into the imaged region. The signal from the selectively tagged blood is obtained by subtraction of this first image from a second image, acquired without the tagging.A technique for flow imaging by bolus tagging, using stimulated echoes, has also been suggested (4) and implemented to image coronary artery flow in mice and rats (5,6). The stimulated echo sequence produces a signal which depends on both T 1 and ...