“…Scale bars, 0.5 pm. generates most of its endings in lamina III (Light and Perl, 1979), the field receptor afferent which generates many endings in laminae III and IV (Light and Perl, 1979), the slowly adapting type I afferents which generate most of their endings in lamina IV, the guard hair afferents with their flame-shaped arbors which ramify across lamina III and IV (Brown et al, 1977), the Pacinian corpuscle afferents which generate endings across laminae III to VI (Brown et al, 1980), the rapidly adapting afferents of glabrous skin with endings in laminae III (Brown et al, 1980), and the large Ia muscle afferents which generate their endings in the ventral horn (Brown and Fyffe, 1978;Burke et al, 1979). Each of these myelinated primary axons shares several features in common with the large caliber primary axons described in lamina I in this study: they each give rise to several, thin, branched, ending-bearing collaterals which are finer than their thicker parent branches; these ending-bearing branches, in turn, generate several relatively widely spaced large bulbous endings, The large caliber primary axons of lamina I described in this report closely match the morphological characteristics of the terminal arbors of the AS high threshold mechanoreceptors in lamina I (Light and Perl, 1979) in terms of the morphology of their endings and their ending-bearing collaterals as well as in the frequent reversal of directions of their thicker parent branches.…”