ABSTRACT. Cardiovascular reflex mechanisms by topical laryngeal instillation of capsaicin (CAPS) or distilled water were evaluated in anesthetized chronic tracheostomized dogs. Both CAPS (10 ”g/ml) and water instillation into the isolated upper airway caused a significant decrease in heart rate (P<0.05) and a significant increase in blood pressure (P<0.05) from the values before instillation under both spontaneous and controlled ventilation. The bradycardia was significantly reduced by atropine pretreatment (P<0.05) and the hypertension was significantly decreased by phentolamine and propranolol pretreatments (P<0.01). A higher concentration of CAPS (100 ”g/ml) instillation considerably reduced the response to subsequent CAPS (100 ”g/ml) instillation, whereas the response to water was sustained, indicating the desensitization of laryngeal CAPS-sensitive endings. All the reflex responses to CAPS and water were eliminated by topical anesthesia with lidocaine. It was concluded that the laryngeal cardiovascular reflex responses were mediated by the afferents such as the laryngeal CAPS-sensitive presumably C-fiber endings or water-responsive receptors and by both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems as efferents. -KEY WORDS: autonomic nervous blockade, canine, cardiovascular reflex, capsaicin, distilled water.J. Vet. Med. Sci. 59(9): 801-806, 1997 weight was 11.5 kg (ranging from 7.5 to 14.0 kg). Food was withheld at least 12 hours before each experiment. Surgical procedure for in vivo isolated upper airway model: All the dogs underwent permanent tracheostomy 2-3 weeks before experiments. Dogs were induced anesthesia with a thiopental sodium (25 mg/kg; RAVONAL Ÿ , Tanabe, Japan) intravenously, endotracheally intubated, followed by maintained anesthesia with isoflurane in 100% oxygen. An Window surgical technique for permanent tracheostomy was used in this study [14,19]. Briefly, dogs were placed on an operating table in the spine position, and midline skin incision was made with an oval piece of the skin. Sternohyoid muscles were separated and the ventral aspect of the trachea was exposed. Then the medial edges of sternohyoid muscle were sutured together at the dorsal to the trachea for the elevation to the skin by horizontal mattress sutures with 3-0 non-absorbable polypropylene monofilament. The ventral aspect of three tracheal rings just mid portion of the trachea between cricoid cartilage and thoracic wall leaving the tracheal mucosa intact. After the tracheal rings were completely removed, the mucosa was completely dissected approximately 5 mm margin left from the trachea. Then the skin and trachea including mucosa were sutured with 3-0 polypropylene monofilament. Butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg; STADOL Ÿ , Bristol-Myears Squibb Co., Japan) was injected intramuscularly as postoperative analgesia. During the adjustment period after surgery, tracheostomy site was carefully cleaned and nebulized with saline solution if necessary. Dogs fed in an isolated room and received ampycillin (20 mg/kg à 2/day; PENTR...