Given a divisorial discrete valuation centered at infinity on C[x, y], we show that its sign on C[x, y] (i.e. whether it is negative or non-positive on C[x, y] \ C) is completely determined by the sign of its value on the last key form (key forms being the avatar of key polynomials of valuations [Mac36] in 'global coordinates'). The proof involves computations related to the cone of curves on certain compactifications of C 2 and gives a characterization of the divisorial valuations centered at infinity whose skewness can be interpreted in terms of the slope of an extremal ray of these cones, yielding a generalization of a result of [FJ07]. A by-product of these arguments is a characterization of valuations which 'determine' normal compactifications of C 2 with one irreducible curve at infinity in terms of an associated 'semigroup of values'.