In a recent paper [2], Chang et al. have proposed studying "Quantum Fun": the q → 1 limit of Modal Quantum Theories over finite fields Fq, motivated by the fact that such limit theories can be naturally interpreted in classical Quantum Theory. In this letter, we first make a number of rectifications of statements made in [2]. For instance, we show that Quantum Theory over F 1 does have a natural analogon of an inner product, and so orthogonality is a well-defined notion, contrary to what is claimed in [2]. Starting from that formalism, we introduce time evolution operators and observables in Quantum Fun, and we determine the corresponding unitary group. Next, we obtain a typical no-cloning in the general realm of Quantum Fun. Finally, we obtain a no-deletion result as well. Remarkably, we show that we can perform quantum deletion by almost unitary operators, with a probability tending to 1. Although we develop the construction in Quantum Fun, it is also valid in any other Quantum Theory (and thus also in classical Quantum Theory).