By using Gutzwiller projected fermionic wave functions and variational Monte Carlo technique, we study the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model with the first-neighbor (J 1 ), second-neighbor (J 2 ), and additional scalar chiral interaction J χ S i · (S j × S k ) on the triangular lattice. In the nonmagnetic phase of the J 1 -J 2 triangular model with 0.08 J 2 /J 1 0.16, recent density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) studies [Zhu and White, Phys. Rev. B 92, 041105(R) (2015) and Hu, Gong, Zhu, and Sheng, Phys. Rev. B 92, 140403(R) (2015)] find a possible gapped spin liquid with the signal of a competition between a chiral and a Z 2 spin liquid. Motivated by the DMRG results, we consider the chiral interaction J χ S i · (S j × S k ) as a perturbation for this nonmagnetic phase. We find that with growing J χ , the gapless U(1) Dirac spin liquid, which has the best variational energy for J χ = 0, exhibits the energy instability towards a gapped spin liquid with nontrivial magnetic fluxes and nonzero chiral order. We calculate topological Chern number and ground-state degeneracy, both of which identify this flux state as the chiral spin liquid with fractionalized Chern number C = 1/2 and twofold topological degeneracy. Our results indicate a positive direction to stabilize a chiral spin liquid near the nonmagnetic phase of the J 1 -J 2 triangular model.