The integrated systems used in space environments and other criticalenvironments feature increasing cores. Because of the environmentin which these systems operate, they must use fault tolerancetechniques to improve reliability. XINA (eXtensible InterconnectNetwork Architecture) is a reliable network-on-chip for space systems,which has already been verified and tested. However, for itseffective use in real integrated systems, it is necessary to have anetwork interface that implements communication services. Therefore,this work presents the development of a fault-tolerant networkinterface compatible with the XINA that also implements communicationservices commonly desired by cores in integrated systems.To facilitate and accelerate the core integration process with XINA,the interface implements the AMBA-AXI 5 communication protocol.We observed that the reliability techniques allow the interface tofunction correctly even in the presence of faults in the controllersand buffers. However, they cause an increase of 63% in LUTs, anincrease of 16% in FFs, and a decrease of 56% in the maximum operationfrequency. The main contribution of this work is to enable theeffective application of the XINA network-on-chip in multi-corefault-tolerant integrated systems.