Soft particles are known to overlap and form stable clusters that self-assemble into periodic crystalline phases with density-independent lattice constants. We use molecular dynamics simulations in two dimensions to demonstrate that, through a judicious design of an isotropic pair potential, one can control the ordering of the clusters and generate a variety of phases, including decagonal and dodecagonal quasicrystals. Our results confirm analytical predictions based on a mean-field approximation, providing insight into the stabilization of quasicrystals in soft macromolecular systems, and suggesting a practical approach for their controlled self-assembly in laboratory realizations using synthesized soft-matter particles. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.098304 PACS numbers: 82.70.Dd, 61.44.Br, 64.70.D-, 64.75.Yz Particles interacting via pair potentials with repulsive cores, which are either bounded or only slowly diverginglike those found naturally in soft matter systems [1]-can be made to overlap under pressure to form clusters [2], which then self-assemble to form crystalline phases [3]. The existence of such cluster crystals was recently confirmed in amphiphilic dendritic macromolecules using monomer-resolved simulations [4], and in certain bosonic systems [5]. They occur even when the particles are purely repulsive, and typically exhibit periodic fcc or bcc structures. Here we employ molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in two dimensions, guided by analytical insight, to show how isotropic pair potentials can be designed to control the self-assembly of the clusters, suggesting a practical approach that could be applied in the laboratory. We obtain novel phases, including a striped (lamellar) phase and a hexagonal superstructure, as well as decagonal (tenfold) and dodecagonal (twelvefold) quasicrystals.Given a system of N particles in a box of volume V, interacting via an isotropic pair potential UðrÞ with a repulsive core, a sufficient condition for the formation of a cluster crystal is a negative global minimumŨ min ¼Ũðk min Þ < 0 in the Fourier transform of the potential [6]. This condition implicitly requires the potential not to diverge too strongly, so that the Fourier transform exists. The wave number k min determines the length scale for the order in the system by setting the typical distance between neighboring clusters. Above a sufficiently high mean particle densityc ¼ N=V, a further increase ofc increases the number of overlapping particles within each cluster, but does not change the distance between their centers. It also determines the spinodal temperature k B T sp ¼ −Ũ minc [3,6], below which the liquid becomes unstable against crystallization, where k B is the Boltzmann constant.As the particles form increasingly larger clusters, the system becomes well characterized by a continuous coarse-grained density function cðrÞ. The thermodynamic behavior can then be described in a mean-field approximation, which becomes exact in the high-density hightemperature limit [7]. Using MD simulations, we ex...