Verrucous carcinoma is a lesion with minimum aggressive potential. It is a variant of squamous cell carcinoma. It most commonly affects oral cavity with buccal mucosa being the commonest site affected. 1 It presents predominantly as an exophytic growth with a pebbly micronodular surface and a slow growing rate. 2 The anatomy of buccal mucosa and buccal space allows for extension of carcinoma unimpeded by any anatomic barriers to neighbouring intraoral subsites and structures. 3 Tobacco,alcohol and opportunist viral infections are the most associated etiologies with verrucous carcinoma. 1 Ackerman first recognised this lesion as a distinct entity in 1948, so it is also known as ACKERMAN'S TUMOUR. 5 The diagnosis in verrucous lesions of the oral cavity can range from verrucous hyperplasia to verrucous proliferative leukoplakia and verrucous carcinoma. 6 Case report: A 48 year old male patient reported with a chief complain of assymetry on the left side of face since 3 months (Figure 1 a,b). He initially observed ulceration on the inner side of left cheek but did not took any medication for the same. He also observed extraoral swelling on left side of face which gradually increased in size. He developed pain 3 months back which was initially mild and intermittent but has aggrevated since 7 days. He has a history of chewing supari since 40 years,15 times a day in lower left buccal vestibule for 5 minutes following which he used to spit out contents. He is suffering from mild bronchitis and mild cardiomegaly, according to diagnostic reports of a government hospital. There was no relevant family history. On general examination, he had normal gait and posture and was well oriented, consious and moderatly built. No evidence of pallor, icterus, cyanosis and clubbing was present. Single left submandibular lymph node was palpable of approximately 1cm by 1cm in size, ovoid in shape, non-tender, fixed on palpation and firm in consistency. During intraoral examination,oninspection,there was presence of solitary proliferative verrucous growth on left buccal mucosa extending anteroposteriorly in relation to mesial side of 34 uptoretromolar area and superioinferiorly from level of occlusal plane upto depth of buccal vestibule in relation to 34,35,36,37.The lesion was approximately 30mm by 20mm in size,well-defined with irregular margins.The lesion appeared exophytic and cauliflower shaped (Figure 2).Surface of the lesion was irregular with rough consistency and colour of the lesion varied from pink in periphery to white in the centre.Onpalpation,inspectory findings of size,site,surface and shape were confirmed.The lesion was non-scrappable,non-tender,andindurated.There was no bleeding on touching.Hard tissue examination