The purpose of this study was to evaluate present level of productivity and determine linear body traits of Alpine goats raised in Serbia on smallholder farms. Data were collected from 22 smallholder farms located in Belgrade district, with total of 330 purebred Alpine does 2-9 years of age, 145 yearling does and 476 kids. Traits measured were: body weight of does, body weight of kids at birth, 30 days of age and at weaning (90-120 days), prolificacy of mature and yearling (primiparous) does, six linear body traits of does (wither height, body length, hearth girth, chest depth, chest width, pelvic width) and milk production (milk yield, milk fat and milk protein content). The analysis showed the average body weight of does to be 54.96 kg, while the average body weight of kids at birth, 30 days of age and weaning was 2.73 kg, 8.7 kg and 18.3 kg., respectively. Prolificacy was 144% in mature and 125% in yearling does. Measurements of linear body traits were: wither height 67.87 cm, body length 71.92 cm, hearth girth 81.79 cm, chest depth 32.93, chest width 21.49 cm and pelvic width 17.63 cm. Among dairy production traits, following results were obtained: lactation length 220.73 days, total milk yield 531.66 kg, milk fat content 3.33% and milk protein content 3.16%. It was concluded that the overall productivity of Alpine goats raised under smallholder production systems in Serbia is satisfying. Giving the fact that these animals are usually kept under poor conditions, many of these productive traits are very good.