The shortage of medicines and medical supplies seems to be a major issue that is facing public health facilities in Tanzania. Formerly, the Government initiatives such as engagement with the Prime Vendor System (PVS) demonstrated great assistance in getting rid of this challenge. Despite the operation of PVS, a recent shortage of medicines and medical supplies has been noticed.
This study aim to assess the effectiveness of PVS on the availability of medicine and medical supplies in selected public health facilities in Arusha District Council.
The study used a case study design with mixed research approach. We involved 77 respondents which included 25 health-facility-in charges, 50 patients, 1 District Pharmacist Officer and 1 Prime Vendor. Questionnaires, interviews, and observation methods were used to collect data. Data collected covered a period of 2021–2022. Thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data whereas descriptive analysis was used to analyze quantitative data with the help of Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28.0.
The analysis indicates that PVS is not completely effective in supplying medicine and medical supplies due to its low capacity to conform to the orders placed by the public health facilities, a lack of supply competition, and a failure to adhere to contractual terms. Furthermore, at the time of data collection, the average availability of medicines and medical supplies at the selected public health facilities was 74.8%, whereby 80% of the selected public health facilities reported having a scarcity of medicines and medical supplies, and 92% of the interviewed patients reported having no full access to medicines.
Despite the shortcomings associated with the operation of the PVS, the system still seems to be very important for enhancing the availability of medicines and medical supplies once its effectiveness is strengthened. This study recommends a routine monitoring of PVS operations and timely interventions in order to reinforce adherence to the contracted terms and improve PVS effectiveness.