Several studies have linked the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIP12 (Thyroid hormone Receptor InteractingProtein 12) to the cell cycle. However, the regulation and the implication of this protein during the cell cycle are largely unknown. In this study, we show that TRIP12 expression is regulated during the cell cycle, which correlates with its nuclear localization. We identify an euchromatin-binding function of TRIP12 mediated by a N-terminal intrinsically disordered region. We demonstrate the functional implication of TRIP12 in the mitotic entry by controlling the duration of DNA replication that is independent from its catalytic activity. We also show the requirement of TRIP12 in the mitotic progression and chromosome stability. Altogether, our findings show that TRIP12 is as a new chromatin-associated protein with several implications in the cell cycle progression and in the maintenance of genome integrity.TRIP12 (Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interacting Protein 12) is a 225 kDa HECT (Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus) domain-containing E3 ubiquitin ligase. It is also known as ULF (Ubiquitin Ligase for ARF) 1 and UFD4 (Ubiquitin Fusion Degradation) in S. cerevisae 2 . TRIP12 contains protein interacting WWE (tryptophan and glutamate conserved residues) and β-ARM (β-Armadillo) domains 3 . Several functions are attributed to TRIP12. For instance, it ubiquitinates APP-BP1 (Amyloid Precursor Protein-Binding Protein 1) and BAF57 (Brg1-Associated Factor 57) turn over and is therefore described as a sensor of SWI/SNF (SWItch/Sucrose Non-Fermentable) complex integrity 4,5 . TRIP12 is also known to control the histone ubiquitination after DNA breakage 6 and to contribute to p14/ARF (Alternate Reading Frame) degradation in response to DNA damage 7 . TRIP12 ensures the proteolysis of ASLX1 (Additional Sex Combs Like 1, Transcriptional Regulator), a regulatory component of the ubiquitin hydrolase BAP1 (BRCA1 Associated Protein 1) 8 . We showed that TRIP12 is implicated in the proteasome-mediated degradation of the transcription factor PTF1a (Pancreas specific Transcription Factor 1a) that plays an important role in the maintenance of the acinar phenotype in human pancreas 9 . TRIP12 is essential for cell viability as a homozygous mutation that disrupts the ubiquitin ligase activity leads to murine embryonic lethality 10 . Importantly, TRIP12 plays an important role in the cell cycle. For instance, Trip12 mt/mt ES cells display reduced growth with increased expression of the p16/CDKN2A gene and an accumulation in G 2 /M phase 10 . Moreover, by controlling the tumor suppressor protein p14/ARF, TRIP12 impacts TP53 protein level, a major regulator of the cell cycle 11 . TRIP12 expression is altered in several types of cancer, such as breast and pancreatic cancer 11 . High expression of TRIP12 is associated with poor prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma after surgical resection 12 . TRIP12 is involved in radio-sensitization of head and neck squamous carcinoma 13 . TRIP12 mutations are also related to autism disorders 14 and intel...