Research skills are our ability to find and answer a question or solve a problem. This study aimed to identify methods in the science learning of research skills. Meta-analysis study used PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) method. The stages of the research method include: determining criteria and literature search techniques, conducting literature analysis, coding, and data analysis. Jeffreys's Amazing Statistics Program (JASP) version 0.14.1 was used as a data analysis tool. A total of (n=16) articles were taken from Indonesia and overseas being analyzed. Research findings showed that learning through research skills gave effect around 0.63 (medium). The Inquiry method was the most effective and used in learning through research skills. Based on the research findings above, it can be concluded that there were ten effective methods in learning through research skills. The inquiry method could be recommended in the learning through research skills in the schools and college level.2021 Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains build scientific skills and develop other skills such as problem-solving and communication skills, so building research competencies is an essential agenda in 21 st -century education (Fischer et al., 2014;Maddens et al., 2020).Research competencies refer to someone's skills in implementing scientific methods like identifying, constructing a hypothesis, selecting variables, experimenting, and interpreting the data (Yalcin, 2015). According to Meerah & Arsad (2010), research skills are the ability to conduct research using tools, strategy, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and explaining the research findings. The Research Competencies Framework (RCF) is divided into research competence groups such as practical skills, dissemination, problem-solving skills, thinking and