For new instruction this means on the one hand more emphasis on action learning and experiential learning, on the other hand it means the organization of process-oriented instruction: a form of instruction with integrated attempts to teach the learning, thinking, collaboration and regulation skills.
IntroductionPeople are learning all the time. They can not even stop learning. The one learning experience, however, is not the other. There are various kinds of learning. Are some forms of learning better than other? When we want to decide whether there are differences in the quality of forms of learning, we need criteria for good learning. How can we come to these kinds of criteria? There are, in our view, two ways. The one is looking at society at large (and its problems) and deriving criteria for good learning from there. The other is looking at empirical research on learning and instruction and the theories that were developed. Fortunately, the two ways tend to agree in the outcomes. From both sides similar ideas are put forward that can be summarized in the term "new learning". It is the word a use for: new learning outcomes, new kinds of learning processes and new instructional methods that are both wanted by society and stressed in psychological theory.