Career development is a multifaceted, life-stage-dependant and discipline-specific process that is difference for every decision maker. During their time at university, students are building upon their career choice through discipline-specific activities yet many still find the transition into the workforce problematic, particularly for those in the discipline of IT. With the varied nature of the labour market in Australia, it is more important than ever before for universities to assist students in their career development through various opportunities for career education. With this in mind, this research asked: What career development model, and curriculum recommendations, can support IT students to be better prepared for life after university to achieve their graduate outcomes? To answer this, this research will present how career education has been implemented in undergraduate IT education at Deakin University in Australia. In addition, this paper demonstrates how a career development model together with appropriate curriculum resources can assist in addressing students’ career needs, specifically for the IT context. The model will help educators’ better support students to build their career interest and navigate the changing labour market.