While the previous chapters of this book tackle reforms in existing, established national programs, this chapter is an emergent proposition to a change in policy at local school district levels in the United States. Change is dependent on and influenced by the educational ecosystem around the student which includes such stakeholders as parents, teachers, teacher preparation programs, community groups, curriculum and textbook developers, businesses, universities, local and federal agencies, and policy leaders. The criteria for what makes a climate change curriculum “effective” are difficult to name: first, because the subject itself is divisive, and second because humankind has not yet fully understood all there is to know about tackling climate change. Thus, in this chapter, a normative pro stance is taken in support of climate change education, as the need to implement climate change education in school echoes UNESCO's notion that climate education “is crucial to promote climate action. It helps people understand so they can address the impacts of the climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes needed to act as agents of change (Education for climate action, 2021). In Orange County, California—like many places in the United States—climate change is a politically charged and controversial topic. When 20 states adopted the well-regarded Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in 2014, it was hoped that schools across the country would improve climate change education. However, we found that adopting new science standards does not necessarily mean that teaching and learning about climate change has improved in general, and this is made more complex by the fact that each state determines its own education system, and little can be mandated at a national level. Many factors contribute to inadequate student learning about the causes, impact, and especially the strategies to mitigate climate change among Orange County middle school students. We aim for education leaders to understand these best practices and encourage them to apply these to their contexts. We offer a curriculum based on best practices, one that is peer-led and garners hope. We wish for students to see themselves as agents of change and leaders of the not-so-distant tomorrow who become inspired to mitigate, adapt, and reverse climate change.