Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) enhances the neuropathic response when given to hens after organophosphates causing delayed polyneuropathy. This study was undertaken to ascertain whether other sulfonyl fluorides promote diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) neuropathy in hens and if they inhibit neuropathy target esterase (NTE), the target for organophosphateinduced delayed polyneuropathy. Among seven sulfonyl fluoride analogs of PMSF (alkyl-, and phenylsulfonyl fluorides), only nbutanesulfonyl fluoride was found to be an NTE inhibitor in vitro at a concentration (I50 = 60 //M) similar to that of PMSF. nButanesulfonyl fluoride (0.2 mmol • kg" 1 sc to hens) caused both NTE inhibition in nervous tissues (>80%) and promotion of neuropathy after DFP (0.003 mmol • kg" 1 sc) similar to those observed after the same molar dose of PMSF. These results confirm that, so far, all known promoters of organophosphate polyneuropathy are also NTE inhibitors, c 19% sod«y of Toi Diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) and other organophosphorus esters (OPs) cause a central-peripheral axonal degeneration known as organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP). The mechanism of OPIDP initiation is thought to involve high inhibition (>70%) of neuropathy target esterase (NTE) in nervous tissues. Certain sulfonyl fluorides, including phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), prevent OPIDP when given prior to a neuropathic OP by sulfonylating at least 40-50% NTE. Initiation of and protection from OPIDP have been explained as occurring either through a molecular rearrangement of inhibited NTE, occurring with neuropathic inhibitors only (Johnson, 1990), or through differences in neuropathic power of inhibitors, being weak for protective and strong for neuropathic inhibitors (Lotti et ai, 1993). In either case, when enough NTE is sulfonylated, the subsequent phosphorylation by neuropathic OPs cannot initiate OPIDP.However, clinical and morphological signs of OPIDP are exacerbated when PMSF is given after neuropathic OPs (Pope and Padilla, 1990; Lotti et ai, 1991). Phosphinates (Johnson and Read, 1993) and carbamates (Lotti et ai, 1991) also exacerbate OPIDP. This effect was called promotion of OPIDP and was found to be unrelated to NTE inhibition (Moretto et ai, 1994).Thus, PMSF may cause both protection and promotion, in either case at doses which are inhibitory to NTE. When PMSF is given before a neuropathic OP, there is protection because NTE is sulphonylated and cannot be phosphorylated. Therefore, the effect on the (unknown) promotion site becomes irrelevant because neuropathy is not initiated. When PMSF is given after the neuropathic OP, promotion occurs because the neuropathy is initiated by organophosphorylation and PMSF then affects the promotion site.The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether sulfonyl fluorides other than PMSF are capable of promoting DFP neuropathy. We also determined their ability to inhibit NTE since all known promoters are NTE inhibitors and most of them promote neuropathy at doses which inhibit NT...