The aim of this study was to design a useful self-assessment checklist for pronunciation as a pedagogical tool for use by Bachelor of Aircraft Engineering Technology students in an ESL Higher Education context in a private university in Malaysia. The emphasis on pronunciation arose from the importance attached to communications in maximising safety in the aviation industry. Self-assessment was operationalised as developing students' understanding of how to self-assess. Globally, self-assessment of pronunciation is a subject of interest, with the number of studies increasing in recent years. Whereas previous studies tended to focus on perceptual training or on the reliability and accuracy of self-assessment, this study focused on students' awareness of their use of learning strategies before, during and after a speaking activity. The checklist design was adapted from other checklists and based on the literature review. The checklist items to be completed and the accompanying extended guide were contained in two separate documents. These documents were submitted for expert validation, followed by semi-structured interviews with Aviation English teachers and a structured group interview with students, to ensure clarity and understanding of the checklist. Interesting issues regarding criteria, item wording and layout were raised by experts (n = 2), teachers (n = 2) and students (n = 8), which led to changes in the checklist and the creation of a single document incorporating the extended guide. This is an ongoing study that will ensure the usefulness of the checklist prior to its implementation in Aviation English classes for aircraft maintenance students at the university.