The sheep middle ear has been used in training to prepare physicians to perform surgeries and to test new ways of surgical access. This study aimed to (1) collect anatomical data and inertial properties of the sheep middle-ear ossicles and (2) explore effects of these features on sound transmission, in comparison to those of the human. Characteristic dimensions and inertial properties of the middle-ear ossicles of White-Alpine sheep (n = 11) were measured from high-resolution micro-CT data, and were assessed in comparison with the corresponding values of the human middle ear. The sheep middle-ear ossicles differed from those of human in several ways: anteroinferior orientation of the malleus handle, relatively small size of the incus with a relatively short distance to the lenticular process, a large area of the articular surfaces at the incudostapedial joint, and a relatively small moment of inertia along the anterior-posterior axis. Analysis in this study suggests that structure and orientation of the middle-ear ossicles in the sheep are conducive to an increase in the hinge-like ossicular-lever-action around the anterior-posterior axis. Considering the substantial anatomical differences, outcomes of middle-ear surgeries would presumably be difficult to assess from experiments using the sheep middle ear. Keywords Hinge-like rotational motion • Middle-ear ossicles • Moment of inertia • Principal moment of inertia • Sheep Abbreviations 3D Three dimensional C.O.M Center of mass CT Computed tomography FT Stapes footplate IMJ Incudomalleal joint ISJ Incudostapedial joint MI Malleus-incus complex consisting of the malleus and incus MIS Intact middle-ear ossicular chain consisting of the malleus, incus, and stapes PMOI Principal moments of inertia STL Standard tessellation language