GLACIOLOGICAL LITE R ATURE THI is a selected list of glaciologica l literature on th e scientifi c study of snow and ice a nd of their effects on the Earth; for the litera ture on polar expeditions, a nd also on the " appli ed " aspects of glaciology, such as snow ploughs, readers should consult the bibliogra phies in each issue of th e Polar R ecord. For Russian material th e system of transliteration used is that agreed by the U .S. Board on Geographic Names and the Perma nent Committee o n Geographical Names for British Official Use in 1947. R ead ers can greatly ass ist by sending reprints of th eir publications to the Society, or by informing Dr J. W. G len of publica tions of glaciological interest. It should be noted that the Society does not necessa rily hold copies of th e items in this list, a nd a lso th a t the Society does not possess facilities for mi crofi lming or photocopying.