We consider propagation of polarization in the inner parts of pair-symmetric magnetar winds, close to the light cylinder. Pair plasmas in magnetic field is birefringent, a ∝ B 2 effect. As a result, such plasmas work as phase retarders:Stokes parameters follow a circular trajectory on the Poincare sphere. In the highly magnetized regime, ω, ω p ω B , the corresponding rotation rates are independent of the magnetic field. A plasma screen with dispersion measure DM ∼ 10 −6 pc cm −3 can induce large polarization changes, including large effective Rotation Measure (RM). The frequency scaling of the (generalized) RM, ∝ λ α , mimics the conventional RM with α = 2 for small phase shifts, but can be as small as α = 1. In interpreting observations the frequency scaling of polarization parameters should be fitted independently. The model offers explanations for (i) large circular polarization component observed in FRBs, with right-left switching;(ii) large RM, with possible sign changes; (iii) time-depend variable polarization.Relatively dense and slow wind is needed -the corresponding effect in regular pulsars is small. 1. Polarization of FRBs: the challenges Polarization properties of FRBs defy simple classification Caleb et al. (2019); Petroff et al. (2019), ("some FRBs appear to be completely unpolarized, some show only circular polarization, some show only linear polarization, and some show both," Petroff et al. 2019).Understanding polarization behavior is the key to understanding FRBs.