Retarded or frequency-dependent hydrodynamic interactions are relevant for velocity relaxation of colloidal particles immersed in a fluid, sufficiently close that their flow patterns interfere. The interactions are also important for periodic motions, such as occur in swimming. Analytic expressions are derived for the set of scalar mobility functions of a pair of spheres. Mutual hydrodynamic interactions are evaluated in one-propagator approximation, characterized by a single Green function acting between the two spheres. Self-mobility functions are evaluated in a two-propagator approximation, characterized by a single reflection between the two spheres. The approximations should yield accurate results for intermediate and long distances between the spheres. Both translations and rotations are considered. For motions perpendicular to the line of centers there is translationrotation coupling. Extensive use is made of Faxén theorems which yield the hydrodynamic force and torque acting on a sphere in an incident oscillating flow.