The present investigation was conducted during two successive seasons (2015/2016 and 2016/2017) to study the effects of hardwood cuttings collecting dates treated with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), i.e. 0, 200 (24 h soaking) and 2000 ppm (1 min. dipping) on %rooted cuttings, average number of roots/cutting, average length of roots/cutting (cm), average root length/cutting (cm) and % survival of rooted cuttings of peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] rootstocks viz. Cadaman, Nemaguard, Okinawa and Nemaredunder greenhouse conditions. The effect of cutting collection dates on cuttings total indoles, total phenols and total indoles/total phenols ratio, total carbohydrates, total nitrogen and C/N ratio, was also studied. The best date for collecting hardwood cuttings was the first of December since the mature shoots of the rootstocks contained the highest values of total indoles, total phenols and total carbohydrates and the lowest value of total nitrogen. The rooting potential of cuttings was positively correlated with their content of total indoles, total phenols, total indoles/total phenols ratio, total carbohydrate and C:N ratio, while had negative correlation with their content of total nitrogen.The capacity of hardwood cuttings to develop adventitious roots varies among the rootstocks and between the IBA treatments. IBA at 2000 ppm recorded the highest values of % rooted cuttings (75.37 and 73.01%), and % survival of rooted cuttings (74.83 and 69.38%) for Cadaman, while IBA at 200ppm was more effective in % rooted cuttings (69.18 and 64.39%), av. No. of roots/cutting (16.67 and 15.17), average length of roots/cutting (57.72 and 50.57cm), av. root length/cutting ( 3.48 and 3.41cm) and % survival of rooted cuttings (65.84 and 63.48%) for Okinawa (as the mean of two dates during the two seasons of study respectively). Nemaguard recorded the lowest values in % Rooted cuttings and % Survival, while Nemared recorded moderate values in these respects. This study demonstrated the possibility propagation of imported peach rootstocks "Cadaman, Nemaguard, Okinawa and Nemared" locally by using hardwood cuttings to limit import from abroad and save hard currency for the country.