Autocatalytic reaction fronts between reacted and unreacted species may propagate as solitary waves, that is, at a constant front velocity and with a stationary concentration profile, which result from a balance between molecular diffusion and chemical reaction. A velocity field in the supporting medium may affect the propagation of such fronts through different phenomena: advection, diffusion enhancement, front shape changes, etc. Here, we report on an experimental study and lattice Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook numerical simulations of the effect of an oscillating flow on the autocatalytic reaction between iodate and arsenous acid in a Hele-Shaw cell. In the low frequency range covered by the experiments, the front behavior is controlled by the flow across the gap and is reproduced with two-dimensional numerical simulations. It is shown that the front velocity oscillates at the frequency of the flow, whereas the front width oscillates at twice that frequency. Moreover, the Taylor regime in the presence of a Poiseuille flow is fully investigated: The description obtained in the case of a stationary flow provides an analytical prediction for the sinusoidal flow. The range of parameters, for which the prediction applies, is delineated and discussed.