ABTRACT:Protons at the water/vapor interface are relevant for atmospheric and environmental processes, yet to characterize their surface affinity on the quantitative level is still challenging.Here we utilize phase-sensitive sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy to quantify the surface density of protons (or their hydronium form) at the intrinsic water/vapor interface, through inspecting the surface-field-induced alignment of water molecules in the electrical double layer of ions. With hydrogen halides in water, the surface adsorption of protons is found to be independent of specific proton-halide anion interactions and to follow a constant adsorption free energy, G ~ -3.74 (±0.56) kJ/mol, corresponding to a reduction of the surface pH with respect to the bulk value by 0.66 (±0.10), for bulk ion concentrations up to 0.3 M. Our spectroscopic study is not only of importance in atmospheric chemistry, but also offers a microscopic-level basis to develop advanced quantum-mechanical models for molecular simulations.
MAIN TEXT:Protons at water/vapor interfaces play a key role in atmospheric chemistry and environmental science (1, 2). They have been the topics of extensive theoretical and experimental studies for decades (3-18), but good understanding of the surface affinity of protons on the microscopic and quantitative level is still lacking. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations generally predicted that protons (H + ) could appear at the interface in the form of hydronium (H3O + ), while the quantitative details, such as the adsorption free energy and the depth profile of ion concentrations, depend very much on the molecular model and interaction potentials assumed (3-8). Several experimental approaches have been used to verify the qualitative conclusion from the simulations (9-18), but extension of these efforts to quantitative characterizations of the proton adsorption remains challenging (17). This largely limits our knowledge on the underlying mechanisms and the role of proton in many relevant interfacial processes. Technically, it is generally difficult to adopt macroscopic observables from surface tension, electrokinetic, and Kelvin probe measurements to yield molecular-level interfacial properties without crucial model assumption (17)(18)(19). For molecular-scale measurements, X-ray spectroscopies can examine the proton effect at water interfaces indirectly through probing relative concentration changes of the counterions (9, 10), but, yet, the surface affinity of protons has not been quantified from the results. Surface-specific optical sum frequency generation (SFG) and second harmonic generation (SHG) were widely employed to explore this issue (11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16). But, in many reports, the proton propensity were only studied comparatively with respect to other ions without quantitative details (13)(14)(15). In the other, the surface concentration of protons was estimated by inspecting their reaction with extrinsic interfacial label molecules (16), whereas how the result is affected by the proton-label m...