Some industrial processes are modelled by parametric partial differential equations. Integrating computational modelling and data assimilation into the control process requires obtaining a solution of the numerical model at the characteristic frequency of the process (realtime). This paper introduces a computational strategy allowing to efficiently exploit measurements of those industrial processes, providing the solution of the model at the required frequency. This is particularly interesting in the framework of control algorithms that rely on a model involving a set of parameters. For instance, the curing process of a composite material is modelled as a thermo-mechanical problem whose corresponding parameters describe the thermal and mechanical 1 behaviours. In this context, the information available (measurements) is used to update the parameters of the model and to produce new values of the control variables (data assimilation). The methodology presented here is devised to ensure the possibility of having a response in real-time of the problem and therefore the capability of integrating it in the control scheme. The Proper Generalized Decomposition is used to describe the solution in the multi-parametric space. The realtime data assimilation requires a further simplification of the solution representation that better fits the data (reconstructed solution) and it provides an implicit parameter identification. Moreover, the analysis of the assimilated data sensibility with respect to the points where the measurements are taken suggests a criterion to locate of the sensors.