P arallel and distributed simulation is an area with extensive research into effective solutions to difficult problems. In the context of parallel stochastic simulations, it's important to know the correct techniques for generating parallel pseudorandom numbers. Yet anyone wishing to produce a scientific work of quality must pay attention to the numerical reproducibility of simulation results. Significant differences are observed in the results of parallel stochastic simulations if the practitioner fails to apply best practices. By implementing a rigorous method, it's possible to reproduce the same numerical results for parallel stochastic simulations and to check them with their sequential counterpart.
Parallel Stochastic Simulations and ReproducibilityResearchers study communication protocols for deterministic, parallel, synchronous, and asynchronous simulations to avoid process interlocking and to preserve causality and the principle of determinism. The field of parallel stochastic simulations isn't as well marked, with Peter Hellekalek writing an article for the 1998 Parallel and Distributed Simulation Conference entitled, "Don't Trust Parallel Monte Carlo!" 1 Since then, some progress has been made, primarily because in various application areas, starting with nuclear safety, we can't live with an approximate quality of the underlying random number generators or with a poor distribution technique of parallel random numbers. Researchers have highlighted many problems in various application frameworks, particularly in nuclear medicine simulations, which often require more than 10 20 pseudorandom numbers deployed on thousands of processors. [2][3][4][5][6][7] When considering stochastic simulations, pseudorandom numbers must be generated in parallel, so that each