The circulation and accumulation of harmful elements in blast furnace were investigated. The results show that the maximum concentration of K and Na in the belly is about 50 times of that in the charge. The zinc increased by 80 times and the Pb is insignificant. The impact of the circulation and accumulation of K, Na, Pb and Zn on the fuel consumption was quantitatively analyzed using Rist diagram. The results show that the gas utilization decreased and the coke rate increased linearly with the increase of load and accumulation times of each harmful element. Given the accumulation times of each element, the loading of Na, K, Zn and Pb into BF leads to the increase of coke rate by 13.99 kg/tHM, 6.25 kg/ tHM, 3.63 kg/tHM and 0.02 kg/tHM, respectively. The increased coke rate and the decreased gas utilization under various loads and accumulation times of each element was estimated.