The research data are related to X‐ray structure analysis of the gold nanolayers (50, 100 and 200 nm thick) on glass surface modified by the surface ion exchange, chemical etching or by treatment combining two indicated above methods. The soda lime silica glass has been modified by the special Surface Ion Exchange Paste (SIEP) [1‐3]. Na
ion exchange with SIEP has included next stages: glass surface degreasing and washing; the SIEP laying on the glass surface; thermal treatment at ~ 300º C for 15 – 20 min.; washing with running and distilled water. The chemical etching of glass have been carried out with the composition containing hydrofluoric acid [4]. The glass surface morphology has been observed by the SEM JSM‐6460 (Jeol, Japan); the gold nanolayers were deposed on glass surface by the special device JVC‐1600 (Jeol, Japan).
X‐ray data have been measured with diffractometer D8 Advance (CuKa radiation, one‐dimensional detector Lynx–Eye with nickel filter). The range of the measurement was 2q = 10 – 120° with step 0,02° and acquisition interval 35,4 c. The program Topas 4.2 (Bruker AXS, Germany) and initial structural data of inorganic base ICSD, FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany have been also used in calculations.
X‐ray data analysis allows make conclusion that the surface modification of the soda lime silica glass by the surface ion exchange and chemical etching has a substantial influence upon the size of gold crystal grains (Figure 1 i). Gold crystal grains have elongated shape in direction . The increase of the gold nanolayer thickness leads to decreasing of the crystal grains size. The least size have been related to gold nanolayer 200 nm thick on glass surface modified by combined method indicated above: in direction average calculated grains size is ~ 14.7 nm; grains size averaged in directions , and is ~ 6.8 HM.
Authors express thanks to N.V. Bulina for technical support.