The variations with temperature of the viscosity, η, and the relaxation times for various low molecular weight, unentangled polystyrenes (PS) are analyzed. We find that the temperature dependence of η does not directly reflect the behavior of the global chain modes. Depending on molecular weight and temperature, η can exhibit a stronger temperature dependence than even the local segmental modes. However, this is only a consequence of the strong temperature dependence of the recoverable compliance J s. The Rouse relaxation time, τ1, deduced from the product of the viscosity and the recoverable compliance, has the expected behavior. For example, this Rouse time for a PS of molecular weight equal to 2 kg/mol has the same temperature dependence as that for self-diffusion; hence, there is no enhancement of translational diffusion in the polymer. The same conclusion was reached by Urakawa et al. [Urakawa, O.; Swallen, S. F.; Ediger, M. D.; von Meerwall, E. D . Macromolecules 2004, 37, 1558], although the analysis leading to it was different. The conclusion is consistent with two extant explanations of the enhancement of translational diffusion in small molecular glass-formers, one which invokes spatially heterogeneous dynamics and the other ascribing the effect to the different coupling parameters for the translational and rotational correlation functions.